Friday, March 30, 2012


i am a 15 year old girl who has just about everything going on in my in love with a guy name Jalen and its like nothing ever works out with us. we are always fussing and fighing and he is always cheating on me but for some stupid reason i keep taking him back.. im not the best girfirend either, i have cheated on him and im very thankful that he took me back. my mother doesnt like him, neither does my oldest sister (whom i think the world of). but at the same time, i really like this other guy. i cant really say how far things with me and him are going to go but i hope we take it to a whole new level. im not writing this to tell my life story or anyhting. im only writing this to inform otheres, (like you (: ) anout what i have been through abd what i did to help me get through it , in hopes that it will help you with things in your like